Monthly Archives: April 2016


Birmingham hair restoration medical practice, T3 offers PRP therapy unlike others in the area. Using the Arteriocyte Magellan system, the blood products are concentrated to higher levels making the therapy for hair loss more effective. Alabama plastic surgeon, Michael S. Beckenstein, M.D., who established T3 states ” I directly inject the PRP into the level of the scalp where the follicles …

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At T3 Hair Restoration the Doctor is IN!

Birmingham folks with thinning hair often seek out medical solutions to solve their hair loss. There are many choices and options out there and it is up to you, the patient to seek out the best choice for your Alabama hair restoration. Many hair loss treatment centers provide care by non physicians that are not supervised by …

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Why use T3 for Alabama Hair Restoration

T3 hair restoration is the only source men and women of any age, suffering from hair loss will need to seek out for a solution. T3 is the only comprehensive medical hair loss practice, in Alabama, that offers every category of hair loss treatments. From drug therapy (Propecia, Rogaine) to  Healeon stem cell therapy, T3 …

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Keep Alabama hair restoration in house!

You would want to keep your Alabama hair restoration in house! Why would you want to see a representative, basically a salesman, who is not a hair loss physician, see you, In Birmingham? Why would you then travel to Atlanta to have a procedure by a physician you don’t know? Then be followed up by …

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