You would want to keep your Alabama hair restoration in house! Why would you want to see a representative, basically a salesman, who is not a hair loss physician, see you, In Birmingham? Why would you then travel to Atlanta to have a procedure by a physician you don’t know? Then be followed up by another non physician, in Alabama, again, who is a non physician. This is the experience you have if you visit a national company for hair replacement! Michael S. Beckenstein, M.D. a Birmingham hair restoration specialist described one story of a patient of his, who came for some revisional work: ” this gentleman went to visit them after seeing a representative in the storefront office. He then went for his procedure in Atlanta. He said he didn’t recognize anyone, knew nothing about the doctor. He had his procedure and returned to Alabama. He said nobody ever called him to check on him, nothing! He regretted this experience and his lack of knowledge of how to seek out the right place for Alabama hair replacement. “Like I always say patients need to do their research and thoroughly investigate any hair restoration facility they are interested in. This is real medicine and procedures that can have poor outcomes. Some are difficult to correct adds Dr. Beckenstein. “Another patient of mine who we just performed a 1600 graft procedure, visited the storefront office for a second opinion, he stated there was no comparison between the two and we need to keep Alabama hair restoration in house!”
T3 through thick and thin is a Birmingham hair replacement practice established by the founder of Birmingham Neograft. T3 specializes in all aspects of the treatment of thinning hair and hair loss. Men and women of all ages can find a solution to their individual causes of hair loss. Dr. Beckenstein will perform several tests and evaluations to find a cause for your thinning hair and design a comprehensive plan for you. Using the latest technology and therapies, hair loss can often be stopped or slowed to prolong inevitable baldness. Many effective therapies can be performed by the patient at home!. At T# through thick and thin, your complete care for your hair loss is performed in town! All of your care and contact is right here in Alabama. As Dr. Beckenstein states ” you do not have to travel out of state where you don’t know who the doctor of the day is going to be and never see them again. At T3 its me and only me. I am available all the time for my patients, right here…we keep Alabama hair restoration in house! Look your hair loss therapies and hair replacement should be performed by experienced physicians that will be there consistently for you. Don’t fall into the hands of a huge company, who advertises all over television, to get you there. Come to a place where you are our patient for life! I know how these places are run, they always try to recruit me to work for them!”
visit through thick and thin online at for more information about how we keep Alabama hair restoration in house!
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