The latest innovation for treating hair loss is now available at T3 Hair Restoration. The first of its kind in the southeast, T3 introduces Healeon technology to inject true stem cells around hair follicles to stimulate hair production. Michael S. Beckenstein, M.D. an Alabama hair loss specialist is used to bringing the latest hair loss treatments into Birmingham. He is the first to Bring Neograft hair replacement into the area as well as PRP/Amnio therapy, Omni bioceuticals, scalp tattoo and other therapies. ” I am always seeking new treatments for thinning hair and hair loss. I don’t just bring them in because they are new, they have to be safe and effective. My reputation and that of T3 is out there. If I bring something shoddy or unsafe, it would not bode well for us.” he states. As the other therapies I brought to Birmingham, Healeon stem cell therapy is safe and effective. It is true stem cell therapy, not PRP or other “treatments others call stem cell treatment. This is the real deal!”
Stem cells are the building blocks of all tissue in our body. They are where tissues that regenerate and heal come from. Stem cells are now used to grow heart muscle, repair tendon and muscle injuries and now used for regenerative medicine. Dr. Beckenstein knows about the healing process from stem cells as a Birmingham plastic surgeon. ” I see how radiated tissue from my breast cancer patients heal after injecting fat grafts into their tissue. It is amazing to see and it is from the stem cells in the fat. This is a real phenomenon and is reported in scientific journals. If we apply stem cells to failing hair follicles, there should be a regenerative effect on them.” This is what is being seen in early trials. With Healeon, fat is harvested through liposuction. It is then processed through patented technology, into stem cells which are carefully injected into the scalp. This process requires a surgeon skilled in liposuction and hair loss treatments. ” This is why T3 is the best option for this. I am a board certified plastic surgeon, with a lot of liposuction experience and the owner of T3 where we specialize in treating Birmingham hair loss.”Dr. Beckenstein adds.
Stem cell hair therapy is an excellent option for men and women with thinning hair.
if you are interested in becoming a stem cell hair loss therapy patient please contact us at (205) 776-7985 or 1-866-MSBMD77.
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