When we discussed people traveling from Birmingham to Atlanta, for hair restoration, Michael S Beckenstein, M.D. replied ” Go to Atlanta for your hair restoration? Are you kidding me?” The founder of Birmingham hair restoration’s T3 stated “There’s an excellent hair replacement practice right here in town, you don’t have to travel anywhere. We offer the most advanced, cutting edge therapies to treat thinning hair for both men and women and we are right here in Birmingham, Alabama.”
There is a hair replacement company that uses non physicians to assess you, in Birmingham, then send you to have your procedure in Atlanta. You don’t meet your physician until then. You return to Alabama right afterwards. If you experience any problems you cannot be seen immediately by your physician, you would have to return to Atlanta, or be seen by someone not familiar with what you had done. There is no immediate access to your treating physician. When asked about this, Dr. Beckenstein stated, ”If you have your procedures performed, here, by me, I will see you from day one, when we first meet, all the way through your process. If there are any issues, you can see me immediately day or night seven days a week, right away! You will not have to travel. There is something to be said about continuity of care by the ONE physician who is treating YOU!” he adds.
T3 Hair Restoration was founded by board-certified plastic surgeon, Michael S. Beckenstein, M.D., he was the first to bring Neograft to Alabama over 10 years ago and continues to introduce the latest therapies to treat hair loss. This includes low level laser therapies, true Stem cell therapy, PRP, tissue expansion scalp reconstruction, and scalp micropigmentation.” We offer treatments for thinning hair to men and women of any age. If you can get to us at an early age, these innovative treatments can allow you to keep your hair for decades, MY goal is to eliminate hair replacement and put our Neograft device in the closet! That is why T3 stands for through thick and thin, we do it all!”
If you are interested in learning about treating your thinning hair visit us at www.t3hair.net FREE THE FOLLICLES.com
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